The Beverly Hillbillies 07/16/2009

Good Morning!
Weeding through the pile of pictures of the boat parade! What Fun!!
Today's posting will be of the construction of our Hillbllie Boat and tomorrow I will post pictures of the other boats...too many pictures for one posting! haha
So, Ruthie and I had pre-cut and painted all of the pieces and my brother transported it all to the lake in his pickup.
The rules state that you can't begin assembly until the morning of the parade...Construction begins at 7am
And here is our finished Boat!!
Pictures of construction are compliments of Rudy's friend Will...who is an aspiring photographer
and Pictures of the finished boat are compliments of our friend Sue at the lake, who happens to be a professional photographer!
More pictures of all of the boats...and Granny tomorrow!
Have a great day~

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Barbara Melotto  07/17/2009 
How great! I am always amazed at your ideas for whatever you do. The boat is a hoot! I can just imagine the fun you had putting it all together 

Debbie  07/16/2009 
OMG! This came out great! Nice job Cath - as usual. Looking forward to seeing the other boat pics :) 

Theresa Meloon  07/16/2009 
LOL...oh my goodness girl... what a hoot. I love it!!! :) What a fantastic job you all did.  07/16/2009 
Hia Cathy- Looks like you had a blast! Bet it was hard for you to leave the hillbilly life, so happy you're back!

Nancy M  07/16/2009 
Cath, Your boat came out to CUTE, and the chicken's are a hoot. It really look's like the Hillbillies live in there. Glad to have you back. Love ya  

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